Laramie County provides a competitive benefits packet. For a detailed summary of the benefits provided:
The information in this website describes the employee benefit plans in general terms. This information is not intended to replace the legal plan documents, summary plan descriptions, group policies or certificates of coverage that describe specific benefits, limitations or exclusions. Laramie County Government reserves the right to amend or terminate any of these programs or to increase employee premium contributions toward any benefit at our discretion.
2024-2025 Open Enrollment(DOC, 682KB)
Health Insurance Basics Video
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
Summary of Benefits and Coverage
Preventive Care Benefits(PDF, 222KB)
Organ Transplant COC(PDF, 1MB)
Organ Transplant Policy(PDF, 328KB)
Transparency in Coverage (Blue Cross Blue Shield creates and publishes the Machine Readable Files on behalf of Laramie County Government)
Delta Dental
Summary of Benefits(PDF, 1013KB)
Dental insurance Booklet(PDF, 11MB)
Group Vision Care Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Summary(PDF, 347KB)
Summary Plan Description(PDF, 280KB)
Flex Spending Info and Eligible Expenses(PDF, 343KB)
Lincoln National Life Insurance:
Summary of Benefits(PDF, 346KB)
Plan Document(PDF, 475KB)
Travel Assistance(PDF, 283KB)
Prudential Life Insurance (NCPERS):
Plan Document(PDF, 2MB)
Wyoming Retirement System
Pension Plan(PDF, 199KB)