Snow and Ice Control Policy


Laramie County, WY 

LCPW-Snow-and-Ice-Control-Policy-Resolution-Signed-03.19.24.pdf(PDF, 792KB)

 The principal objective of the Laramie County Snow and Ice Control Program is to provide for safe and efficient travel on Laramie County roads during inclement winter weather.  Snow and ice control is considered a core Public Works program, vital to the economic and social welfare of the county. 

Economics and effective management of public resources require a balance between the level of service provided and the resources available to perform the service.  Laramie County’s Snow and Ice Control Program is staffed and equipped to effectively and efficiently respond to the conditions normally expected to occur during the winter months.  When rare severe winter storm events occur that are beyond those normally expected, services may be delayed.  During these severe storm events citizens are encouraged to limit travel on the County’s road system.

When extreme weather conditions exist with heavy snow, high winds, extremely low visibility, etc., Laramie County may close roadways, or cease or limit maintenance operations until conditions improve. Decisions in regard to closure, limitation, and modification of snow plan operations as necessary, will based on existing conditions, safety considerations and available and appropriate resources.  These decisions are delegated to the discretion of the Public Works Director. 

The purpose of the following is to address the need for maintenance of roads and right-of-ways to address and compensate for weather conditions. Not all roads and right-of-ways are maintained by the County or are subject to the Laramie County Snow & Control Policy. If you have questions regarding whether your road is subject to this Snow & Control Policy and will receive snow and ice removal from in accordance with this policy, please call Laramie County Public Works at (307) 633-4302. Please note, the hours of operations for Public Works are Monday through Thursday from 6:00 am to 4:30 pm.

The policy governing the Laramie County Snow and Ice Control Program is as follows:


All of Laramie County's roads are categorized by the level of snow and ice removal.

LEVEL ONE ROADS:  Level One includes all current county roads (not including subdivision roads) that are school bus routes and/or major commuting routes.

  • Level One roads will be plowed and/or sanded to provide for the reasonably safe accommodation of school bus and major commuting traffic.
    • The focus is on major roadways and the inclement weather routes for the school districts. Coordination with Laramie County School District Number One (LCSD1) and Laramie County School District Number Two (LCSD2) has occurred in the development of this plan. Not all normal operating bus routes are accommodated for within this plan.
    • Coordination will continue on an annual basis to update the mapping associated with this policy.

LEVEL TWO ROADS:  Level Two roads include all current county mainline roads (not including subdivision roads).

  • Level Two roads will be plowed and/or sanded to support business and minor commuting traffic only after the needs of Level One have been met.

LEVEL THREE ROADS:  Level Three roads are the remaining county roads which receive snow and ice control services, and  are not included in Level One and Level Two above.

  • Level Three roads will be plowed and/or sanded after the needs of Level One and Level Two roads have been met.

Roads not highlighted on the map are maintained for Snow & Ice Control by the City of Cheyenne, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) or privately maintained. Private maintenance could include but is not limited to landowners, a special district, or Homeowners Association (HOA). 


Snow and ice control services will be provided during the following hours of service:

  • 3:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Laramie County will not respond to requests for nighttime snow and ice control services for locations other than Level One, Level Two and Level Three Roads, as  identified above. Exceptions can include but are not limited to a request from law enforcement, an emergency management agency in support of an active emergency response situation or at the discretion of the Laramie County Public Works Director.

  1. Laramie County will normally apply salt/sand material on steep hills, curves, and at intersections.  Additionally, special attention will be paid to school zones, acceleration/deceleration lanes, heavy traffic areas, and other areas with known problems.  Continuous application of salt/sand material will only be done when, in the opinion of the Public Works Director, it is necessary to provide a reasonably safe driving surface for the average motorist or, it is deemed a cost or resource scheduling  advantage.  The application of salt/sand material may be suspended during periods of heavy snowfall because the material may be quickly covered and removed as additional plowing occurs.
  2. When deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, Laramie County will address problem areas such as access to mailboxes, only after the weather event has ended and all Level One through Level Three roads are open to traffic.
  3. Given the vast expanse of Laramie County and the possible diverse weather conditions, all motorists should have their vehicles equipped for inclement weather conditions. Items could include adequate snow tires and/or tire chains, warm clothes, water, blankets, and food for use during inclement weather.
  4. In order to achieve the levels of service described above, snow and ice control equipment must remain active on each snow route.  Therefore, as a matter of practice, Laramie County will not provide towing services for private vehicles which are stuck in the snow or have run off the road.  Motorists are expected to engage the services of a commercial tow company to assist in freeing the vehicle. 
    • In rare circumstances, such as when the road and or lane of travel is entirely blocked by a stuck vehicle or in emergency situations when the safety of the motorist is in question, Laramie County may provide assistance with towing if requested by the motorist or emergency personal, and at the discretion of the Public Works Director.  Such circumstances are considered part of road maintenance and the County does not waive its applicable governmental immunities nor can it accept any liability under such circumstance. Vehicles which have been abandoned by a motorist blocking a right of way and/or are creating a hazard to travel, road clearance or maintenance, may be removed or relocated.
  5. Laramie County will not be responsible for any damage to newspaper delivery boxes or mailboxes or any fixtures in or on a right-of-way.  It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that newspaper boxes and mailboxes are properly placed and marked so that they will not be damaged or destroyed by passing snowplows.
  6. Laramie County will not be responsible for any damage to any vehicles left or abandoned in or on a right-of-way. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that their vehicles are properly placed so that they may not be damaged or destroyed by passing snowplows.
  7. Laramie County will not plow private roads or private driveways except in the case of an emergency and/or at the discretion of the Public Works Director.  Snowed-in Laramie County residents who experience a life-threatening emergency should call 911.  The Laramie County Combined Communications Center (Dispatch) and the Laramie County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) will work with Public Works to get emergency vehicles where they are needed.  
  8. Laramie County assumes no responsibility for the removal of snow deposited in or across driveways as a result of snow removal operations.  A windrow or berm of snow may be deposited in or across driveways both during initial plowing operations and again during widening and cleanup operations.
  9. Decisions regarding a change in service level, resource allocation and all matters related to the operation of this policy and delegated to and will be made by the Public Works Director.  Consideration of requests for change will only occur when submitted via a completed “Request for Change of Winter Service Level” form.  Forms for this Request are available from the Public Works Department. 


A snow emergency/closure is a declaration by the Board of County Commissioners in concert with the Cheyenne/Laramie County Emergency Management Agency and the Laramie County Public Works Department. 

A snow emergency/closure may be declared in all or for specific areas of the County.  For further information see the “Hazardous Winter Weather Closure and Snow Plan” by clicking on the link posted on the Laramie County website homepage. Official closures are communicated via local and social media outlets. During a snow emergency/closure, no one should be driving unless it is absolutely necessary to travel, or a personal emergency exists. 

During a snow emergency/closure, snow removal operations will be limited to those roads identified as Level of Service One within the Laramie County Snow Map, posted on the Laramie County Public Works webpage.  Normal levels of service do not apply during a snow emergency/closure. All available resources will be utilized to service Level One roads before resources are diverted to the remaining County roads. 

Laramie County Public Works will work closely with Dispatch and the LCSO to support emergency response operations throughout the County.


Laramie County, in promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the County may adopt and issue, rules, regulations or polices and delegate authority for their administration, addressing the use of land and right-of ways pursuant to State law, including but not limited to; Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 24-6-105 and § 31-5-108


By issuance of these policies and the operation thereof, Laramie County does not waive its Governmental/Sovereign Immunity, as provided by any applicable law including W.S. ' 1-39-101 et seq. Further, Laramie County fully retains all immunities and defenses provided by law with regard to any action, whether in tort, contract or any other theory of law, in connection with the issuance and operation of these polices.
